Saturday 27 March 2010

March 27. 2010 All Saints

All Saints Church Newcastle with Bede House in view - this picture was taken from the Tyne Bridge. This church stands on the summit of a steep bank, which rises abruptly from the river Tyne. On three sides the scite is considerably elevated, which would add much to the general view of the structure were it less obstructed by dwelling-houses. It consists of an ellipse, the conjugate and transverse diameters of which are 86 feet and 72 feet; the former extending nearly in the direction of a true meridian line. At the south end is the square tower, or base of the steeple, forming the vestibule; adjoining which, on each side, are uniform wings: that on the west side containing a chapel, appropriated for morning prayer, and the services of baptism and burial; the other, on the east side, forms a spacious vestry room. The south front of the church consists of the base of the steeple, with a Doric portico in front, and the wings above-mentioned extending on each side: above, there is seen the elliptic body of the church, receding from the farther side of the steeple: and the view, in this direction, terminates in two circular projections, which respectively form the west entrance and the chancel.

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