Thursday 29 April 2010

April 29, 2010 High Lights & Low Lights

These two buildings are the High & Low Lights found at North Shields and used as a navigational aid to safely guide shipping into the Tyne. When entering the river through the piers if you line up the two lights it keeps you safely in the shipping lanes and away from the treacherous Black Middens rocks.
Because of the difficulty of navigating ships into the mouth of the river past the dangerous Black Midden rocks, buildings were erected with permanent lights burning to be used as a guide by the mariners. The first of these was the Old High Beacon, built in 1727. In 1802 this was replaced by the High and Low Lights, placed respectively at the top and bottom of the steep bank alongside the river. The Old High Beacon, as well as the High and Low Lights, still exist today as private residences. In 1806 a market place was opened on New Quay. In 1870 work began on constructing a fish quay to provide shelter for the docked fishing boats. This quay is still in use today. 

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