Thursday 6 May 2010

May 06, 2010 Byker Wall

Part of the Byker Wall just near Byker metro station as if  you couldn't guess.
The Byker Wall housing development to the East of Newcastle was designed by the Swedish architect Ralph Erskine in 1969-82. It was built to re-house the working class community that had grown up around the shipyards and factories along the banks of the Tyne. They had lived in terraced houses but in the late 60s the City Council decided to redevelop the area. Byker Wall is designed in a recognisably Post Modernist style and is indicative of Post Modernism as a reaction to Modernism. There are a variety of forms, colours and materials in contrast to the pristine uniformity of Modernism. The uneven outline gives a variety in level and scale, overcoming the monumentality and monotony of Modernism.

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