Friday 4 June 2010

June 04, 2010 Trinity House

This plaque can be found on Trinity House in Newcastle just behind the Quayside opposite the Sage.
Trinity House, Newcastle, is a Maritime organisation, dedicated to safe navigation and welfare of seamen.
Established in 1492, the organisation was granted a Royal Charter of Incorporation in 1536 by King Henry VIII and has operated by Royal Chater ever since.
Its principal work today is to Examine, Licence and Administer Deep-Sea Pilots. The House administers an education and training programme for Sea-Scouts, Sea-Cadets and other youth organisations.
The House also maintains the buildings and preserves the heritage and ancient traditions of this unique organisation
The Buildings forming the Trinity House complex include -
The private Brethrens Chapel- 1505
The entrance Hall - 1800
The Banqueting Hall and Board Room- 1721

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